About Us
Partners by Design is a team of key multimedia professionals serving Central Alabama, whose experience in providing quality publishing, marketing and Web-based products spans two decades of work together.
With a track record of success behind Partners by Design, the company builds upon those successes to create magazines, newspapers, marketing materials, websites and Web services for local communities, schools, colleges, companies and organizations.
Strategically located in Pell City in St. Clair County, Alabama, Partners by Design can provide graphic design and Web services throughout the region and across Alabama, working closely with our clients — large and small — to create products to meet their needs.
Location is especially important given that the backbone of business in rural communities are “mom and pop” operations, who have not yet ventured into website creation and e-commerce. Because of our knowledge and decades of experience working in the region, Partners by Design is ideally suited to providing those valuable services for them at a low cost.
Partners by Design is a results-oriented company — we help our clients maximize their marketing and communication capabilities and to recognize opportunities and take action to create products and services that produce results, enhance communications and effectively tell their story to a targeted audience.
Our Staff:

Carol Pappas is president and CEO of Partners by Design. She serves as editor and publisher of the company’s Discover St. Clair Magazine. A retired newspaper executive, she served as editor and publisher of several newspapers and magazines during her career. She won dozens of writing awards in features, news and commentary and was named Distinguished Alabama Community Journalist at Auburn University. She is an Auburn University graduate. After retiring, she founded Partners by Design. In addition to marketing, design, communication consulting and web services for companies and nonprofits, Partners publishes Discover, various community magazines for chambers of commerce and Mosaic Magazine, a biannual publication of Alabama Humanities Foundation.

Graham Hadley is a partner in the company, serving as vice president of the Creative Division of Partners by Design. He also serving as the managing editor and designer for Discover The Essence of St. Clair Magazine and managing the magazine website. He served as managing editor of The Daily Home, leaving the company to become vice president of Partners. An Auburn journalism graduate with several awards in writing and design to his credit, Hadley also served as the news editor for The Rome News Tribune in Rome, Ga.